In my first interview with artisan pipe maker, Paul Menard, I called him something of a Renaissance man. Watch this interview and you will see it too. Paul talks vinyls, fly fishing and more than a little about making smoking pipes in this hour-long hangout with chat with our founder, Ben Atanat.
Highlights from Paul’s interview:
- Within the first five minutes Paul schools us on the complications of turning a perfect stem.
- At around 16 minutes he explains the Janka Scale and why it matters for carving pipes.
- From 21-32 Paul talks about his favorite fellow pipe makers and the artisan carvers who mentored him, with a serious love-fest with his friend and well-loved carver, Walt Cannoy, who also joined in with a few thumbs up for Paul’s stories.
- At 45 minutes Paul shares the things you need to know when buying an artisan pipe and how to understand the cost differences.
- Around 1:04 you’ll learn what makes a reverse calabash so unique and why the shape typically comes with a higher price tag.
- Finally, we end with a giveaway and an introduction to Paul’s Golden Retriever.
Thank you to Paul, and everyone who joined us on the hangout!